In the vast world of technology I have become overwhelmed with the simple task of job hunting. I am new to the blog community and would like to try this approach to see if there may possibly be any other avenue for job searching that I may not be aware of. I have so far in my arsenal the obvious of newpapers, employment offices, job search sites like and, and lastly linked-in. I would love to hear of any other resourses or techniques to find employment for recent college grads.
I wish I had another source for you. The site I use is and rarely do I find jobs that are scams or just want your information and what schools you would be interested in so they can contact you about persuing school at the colleges you chose. Otherwise that is what all the websites have come to and it sucks. I think they should have a site to find a job with no gimics at all. Yet we wonder why people that want a job to work for a living cant find a job!!! It's rediculous. Try that website and see if it works for you and good luck on the job search!!!